The release date of the much awaited film “Ghost” presented by Sandesh Nagaraj under the prestigious Sandesh Productions banner, produced by Sandesh N and directed by Srini, starring Karunada Chakravarty Shivarajkumar in the lead role has been announced. The much awaited film will release on October 19. The film “Ghost” will also be released abroad.
The teaser of “Big daddy” was released on Shivanna’s birthday and it is trending online and offline.
It’s not just Indians who want to watch the movie “Ghost”. Foreigners are eagerly waiting. Fans from London have said in a video that they are waiting for the release of the film and wish the film a success.
Shivarajkumar, Anupam Kher, Jayaram, Sathyaprakash, Prashanth Narayanan, Duttanna, Abhijith, Srini are among the star cast of “Ghost”.