The film “Kerebete,” directed by Raj Guru and starring Gowrishankar, has successfully completed 50 days in theaters. In a challenging environment where Kannada films are struggling to become hits and attract audiences, “Kerebete” reaching this milestone is a cause for celebration.
Director Raj Guru and lead actor Gowrishankar put in a lot of effort and passion into creating “Kerebete.” The film entered theaters with high expectations and curiosity, and it lived up to its promise by being a remarkable production. However, it did not achieve significant commercial success, which has been a source of disappointment for the team. Despite this, the positive reception from audiences is a testament to their hard work.
To mark this occasion, the film’s team held a celebration, presenting mementos to everyone who contributed to the project. Renowned directors Shashank and Dayal Padmanabh, producer Uday Mehta, and actor Pratham were present to share in the joy.
Speaking at the event, Gowrishankar said, “The film didn’t achieve significant commercial success, but it received excellent reviews from the audience. Wherever I go, people recognize me as the hero of ‘Kerebete.’ It has run for 50 days in many theaters across Karnataka and is still showing in some. We wanted to share this joy with you, which is why we are celebrating today. ‘Kerebete’ was a big dream for me, but its lack of commercial success is disappointing. Moving forward, I will only act in films with good stories and will not be involved in production for the time being.”
Director Raj Guru expressed his gratitude to Janamana Cinema for making his dream a reality. “Many prominent directors, heroes, and heroines supported this film. I thank everyone,” he said.
Actress Bindu Gowda added, “Everyone who watched this film gave positive reviews. I am happy about that. Thanks to the entire team.” Actress Harini also expressed her gratitude.
Directors Dayal Padmanabh and Shashank, along with producer Uday Mehta, shared their experiences in the film industry and consoled Gowrishankar about the film’s lack of commercial success. They emphasized that audience acceptance and positive reviews are what truly matter. Actor Pratham also encouraged Gowrishankar, suggesting that a celebration should focus on the positives.
“Kerebete” is a film rich in rural culture, released grandly on March 15 across the state. Produced by Janamana Cinema, the film introduces the fishing culture of the Malenadu region. It stars Gowrishankar and Bindu Gowda, along with Gopal Deshpande, Sampath Kumar, Harini, and many other notable actors.