Prime Video, India’s favorite entertainment destination, to unveil its most awaited and diverse content, launching around 70 series and movies at its second Prime Video Presents India Showcase. Most of these will premiere in the next 2 years. It will include 40 original series and movies and 29 of India’s biggest and most anticipated movies. It promises to provide India’s best entertainment to entertain customers.
Prime Video’s upcoming originals offer something for everyone in the family. It will have various series and movies. Also, there will be content in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. From gripping thrillers, heart-wrenching dramas, laugh-out-loud comedies and heart-pounding horrors, the most intriguing shows, beautiful stories tailored for the youth, the most exhilarating action movies and musical dramas, it’s all there. In addition to this, movies from the most prestigious film studios of India will also be screened. These will be staged after their theatrical release.
“At Prime Video, we are very focused on entertaining Indian consumers through various entertainment channels. “We want to be the first choice for every consumer by showcasing new-style original series and movies, live-action movies, biggest theatrical hits in multiple languages,” said Sushant Sriram, Country Director, Prime Video India. In 2023 our content has crossed new boundaries. It has helped India to lead the way compared to other countries in terms of new customer acquisition and prime member engagement. We are grateful for the love we have received from our customers. We hope that every story on our platform should be appreciated by them. Accordingly, we want to provide the biggest and most diverse entertainment ever and we are sure that our upcoming series and movies will entertain the audience not only in India, but across the globe,” he says.
“Prime Video is committed to showcasing diverse, original and grassroots Indian stories on a global scale. This will transcend language and geographic boundaries,” said Aparna Purohit, Head of Originals, India and Southeast Asia, Prime Video. “In 2023, our content will be viewed every week in 210 countries and territories. It has trended in the top 10 on Prime Video worldwide for 43 of the past 52 weeks. The national and global impact of our shows and movies gives us satisfaction and we are excited to further promote Indian content globally. As a home of storytellers and talent, we are excited to partner with the leading figures in the Indian entertainment sector. This empowers us to create fresh, powerful, inspiring and entertaining stories. We are confident that our upcoming movies and serials will pave a new way for India to appear globally.”