One poster of Kiccha Sudeep from ‘Pailwaan’ has been trending on social media from the time it was released. The Pailwaan poster rage begins as the stunning physique of the actor Sudeep has made everyone discuss about it.
This poster shows the actors dedication and hard work to get his body in shape. While there were few thinking, is it through graphic the actors look was designed. To all those gossip mongers, Director, Krishna A, had as an answer with images of Sudeep from the start till now of his effort to build his body.
Krishna stated, “The beginning picture is when he had put on weight for Villain.Then Witnessed a commitment which overtook the commitment of the character I penned in my script.This by itself is a story worth being narrated. Happy I could conceive a script that inspired.”
Added to it, “Sorry Kiccha Sudeep sir, could not stop myself from tweeting this. Knowing how much u hate gym and ur love for cookies and chikies, this is a huge dedication.”
The actor did reply to Krishna, “Thank you for embarrassing me. Friends, don’t faint seeing my beginning pic. Had gained weight for a part of The Villain,” Sudeep said.