Prime Video on Monday announced the global digital premiere of the Kannada comedy-drama, Aachar & Co. Written and directed by Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy, the film has been co-written by comedian Kanan Gill, and stars Murthy himself alongside Anirudh Acharya, Harshil Koushik and Sudha Belawadi in pivotal roles. Aachar & Co. will exclusively stream on Prime Video in India from August 22.
Set in 1960s Bangalore, the film centers around civil engineer Madhusudhan Aachar and his wife Savithri’s conventional family, and their lives as they grapple with modernization while upholding their heritage.
But when the head of the family, Madhusudhan, unexpectedly passes away, the family is suddenly facing a new reality with shifting dynamics, that compels all members to contribute towards household responsibilities.
Against the backdrop of evolving gender roles and societal norms, Aachar & Co. portrays the challenges of raising a large family, managing their wellbeing, and educating children, among other functions in this heartwarming story.
Adeptly delving into the themes of women empowerment, self-reliance, and valuing familial bonds, the movie beautifully evokes a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for one’s cultural roots.