The incident where a woman had assaulted the actress Samyuktha Hegde and her friends and its video was viral. Also the behavior of the woman who attacked was severely condemned. Later the women has publicly apologised for her behaviour.

Actress Samyuktha Hegde and her two friends were exercising in the park. At this, a woman and a group of youths approached and threatened to object to Samyuktha’s dress. While Samyuktha’s friend was also been tried to attack by the woman.

Samyuktha Hegde

The video of the woman assaulting and the incident was posted on the social networking site by Samyukta Hegde . The moral policing against Samyukta Hegde have been strongly condemned , while politicians and actor-actresses have expressed support for Samyukta Hegde.

The women to be a Congress Spokesperson, Social Activist and a resident Kavitha Reddy in her social media post stated, “I have always opposed Moral Policing. I realize that my actions were construed as such. An argument ended up in me reacting aggressively as well, it was a mistake.”

She added, As a responsible citizen n progressive woman, I own up to n sincerely apologise to Samyuktha Hegde and her Friends.

In her tweet, Samyuktha Hegde stated, Apologies accepted Ms Kavitha Reddy. I hope we can all move forward from the incident and make women feel safe everywhere. Thank you, Advocates Maitreyi Bhat and Arjun Rao for your support.

Support to Samyuktha Hegde from celebrities, public and politicians

Actress Ramya

Actress and Politician Ramya in her tweet stated, I watched the entire video and I am shocked and appalled at the way Samyuktha Hegde and her friends were treated. Whatever the reason may be, no one has the right to moral police/abuse or slander anyone.

She added, I also read Kavitha Reddy1 apology, name calling is not done either, but one must have restraint. It’s not easy. The fight against misogyny can only be fought if women come together. Incidents like these cannot, should not, happen.

Kajal Agarwal

South Indian Actress Kajal Agarwal in her tweet stated, Omg Sam! can’t believe this even happened! Miss Kavitha reddy,u need to deal with ur anger issues n figure out where this frustration/aggression comes from,a lot more than what young girls choose to wear, doing their own thing-high time we all mind our own affairs.


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