A suspense thriller that explores a unique subject, Ambuja is a quaint story that keeps the audience engaged throughout with its thought provoking content.
The hook is about young women who are going missing from the city. All of them have recently arrived from villages looking for better opportunities. However there is no investigation into the deaths. You will have to watch the film to get to know the surprising answer to who is behind it.
The film has a very good content that has been plotted into an engaging story and narration. Though it is a thriller basically, there is a family drama that envelopes the main characters.
Doing away with the run of the mill narrative techniques that wait till the interval to reveal the story, Ambuja starts off with a suspense from the very first scene. This makes the film engaging without unnecessary filler scenes. As the investigation progresses, the suspense only gets bigger leading up to a surprising end.
Television star Rajini, who makes her big screen debut is convincing as a Lambani tribal. She plays an ayurvedic practitioner whose magical cure catches the eye of scrupulous elements. Shubha Poonja as a journalist, Deepak Subramanya and Baby Akaksha make up the other prominent characters.
The director has managed to narrate a special story in the most engaging way possible. He has extracted the best from his actors. The narrative pace he sets for the film early on is maintained till the end which is the biggest plus point of the film.
The blending of crime, suspense and drama is apt for the big screen. Though the film does not boast of spectacular action sequences, the thrilling moments in the plot make up for it. Ambuja is a good attempt that provides the bang for the buck.
Film: Ambuja Director: Srini Hanumantharaju Cast: Baby Akanksha, Shubha Poonja, Rajini, Deepak Subramanya, Nisha Hegde, Padmaja Rao, Govinde Gowda Duration: 127 minutes