During a pre-release event for the forthcoming film Gowri at a mall in Koramangala on Sunday evening, the ‘Real Star’ Upendra was notably captivated by the debutants Samarjit Lankesh and Sanya. Praising the duo, Upendra commented, “What we perceive as beauty is, in reality, a reflection of innocence, and this is clearly visible in their expressions. With such striking looks, Samarjit might soon catch the eye of Bollywood or even Hollywood. The Kannada audience must ensure he remains in Sandalwood.”

Upendra also acknowledged Sanya’s impressive speaking skills, expressing his admiration for her poise. “You speak with such confidence that it’s hard to believe you’re new to this industry. The younger generation is entering the field exceptionally well-prepared, and there’s much we can learn from them,” the seasoned actor-director noted.


Scheduled for release on August 15, Gowri marks the acting debut of Samarjit, who is the son of director Indrajit Lankesh and the grandson of the esteemed Kannada writer, journalist, and filmmaker Lankesh. The senior Lankesh is among a select few Kannada directors to have received the National Award for Best Direction, which he won for his first film Pallavi in 1976. Sanya, who gained recognition as a child artist in the television series Putta Gowri Maduve, also takes on her first lead role in this film.

“This is a promising new pair making their entry into Sandalwood, and it’s crucial that the audience supports them,” Upendra stated. “Indrajit has a reputation for crafting visually appealing films, and Gowri is expected to be no different. His work is on par with international standards. Let’s all watch this film on the first day and contribute to the success of these emerging talents.”

The film’s trailer, which was unveiled last week, introduces Samarjit as a rustic villager determined to win a music competition, showcasing his range in acting, dance, and action scenes. The trailer has garnered positive responses, with many anticipating that Samarjit will become a prominent figure in Kannada cinema. Indrajit has gone to great lengths to promote the film, and the team is hopeful that August 15 will bring good fortune to both father and son.




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