The highly anticipated film “Powder,” produced by the renowned Kannada production company KRG, will not be released on August 15 as originally planned. Instead, the movie will hit the screens on August 23.
“Powder,” which has generated significant excitement through its teasers and songs, was initially scheduled for an August 15 release. However, due to a crowded release schedule on that date, including ten to fifteen films in various languages, KRG has decided to postpone the release. This decision aims to avoid a box office clash and ensure the film’s success, given the already challenging state of the Kannada film industry.
KRG founders Karthik Gowda and Yogi G Raj believe that postponing the release will help avoid negative impacts on the film’s box office performance.
Directed by Janardhan Chikkanna, “Powder” stars Digant Manchale, Dhanya Ram Kumar, Anirudh Acharya, Sharmila Mandre, Rangayana Raghu, and Gopalkrishna Deshpande. The music is composed by Vasuki Vaibhav, and the film is produced by Karthik Gowda, Yogi G Raj, and Vijay Subrahmanyam under the KRG Studios banner, with Arunabh Kumar contributing under the TVF Motion Pictures banner.