Actor Ramesh Aravind had recently shared the news about his daughter Niharika got hitched to Akshay on December 28. The actor also shared few pictures from the wedding ceremony for his fans.
Recently, a gala wedding reception was organised for the friends and family. A list of celebrities had attended this fun and gaala event in the the city. From top Sandalwood stars, Politicians, bureaucrats and others were present to wish the newly wed.
The list of stars included Puneeth Rajkumar, Kiccha Sudeep, Shivarajkumar, V Ravichandran, Raghavendra Rajkumar, Yash, Radhika Pandit, Sumalatha Ambareesh, SriiMurali, Rockline Venkatesh, Vijay Prakash and many more.
The post of the pictures from Ramesh Aravind daughter’s wedding started doing the rounds on social media among his fans.
Here is the exclusive photos from the wedding.